Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Monday, May 21, 2012

A member of my family has joined the LIBS

A member of my family has joined the Liberals. I can't say that I blame hime. If I were young and idealisitic again I'd hardly be rushing to join up with Craig Thomson, Bill Shorten and bloody Julia. And we have not yet heard the end of the Eddie Obeid saga that will drag on well beyond the next NSW elections.
The Craig Thomson business is becoming very troubling. He's a pretty creepy sort of person by all appearances but the pursuit of him is starting to have echoes of Nick Sherry 20 years ago, An unfair comparison (to Senator Sherry) perhaps. But for the past couple of months I've had the thought that this blokle is going to crack and when he does he might just hurt himself. We don't have the death penalty here for being a creep.
The sleaze factor appeals to the press and the mad monk and his evil cronies are feeding it like crazy at every opportunity. It cuts both ways too with so far unsuccessful attempts to smear the odious little twerp Christopher Pyne and (from within the Libs) Bill Heffernan. I just wonder what sort of impression it gives young people aboput politics.
On the Heffernan story there's more to that little can of central coast worms to come out and Chris (Darth Vader) Hartcher is in it up to his eyes.
It's all just so unedifying. 

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