Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Julia's got to GO

I say nothing for months and then two blogs in quick succession. She just has got to go. I thought it was instructive that at her " a line has been crossed" press conference she was alone. Not a minder in sight. Not a marginal seat candidate over each shoulder nodding agreement. Not even little Bill standing behind her looking authoritative and in control. They've clearly decided that it is all going to be her fault.
How they ever ijmagined that they were going to get away with suppporting Craig Thompson defies explaination. Same goes for Slipper.
It's all of their faults of course. And we are going to get Tony Abbot and that will be their fault too.
The best hope now to minimise the loss and build for a return to sensible Government some time in the forseeable future is to put Kevin back.
There's a dog whistle type attempt to smear Christopher Pyne over his asking for the phone number of Slipper's openly gay staffer who later made the famous allegations. Pyne is not to put it too finely an odious little twerp, but who he asks for their phone number (providing that they are consenting adults) is not any of anyone's business.
Astonishingly, Kristina "Hairspray" Kenealy seems to be making a claim to be resurrected by the media. Perhaps she dreams of jumping in to Peter Garret's seat at the nexy election and then emerging to save the day. I don't know why we don't just make Joe Tripodi PM and have done with it.

1 comment:

  1. That odious little twerp voted against gay marriage from inside his little velvet-lined closet. That's why it's anyone's business.

    As for Kevin back, that would be a disaster. No, there's really nothing to be done for Federal ALP. They're fucked. And it's all their own fault. Julia, and her advisors, need to grow a fucking backbone and be willing to put up with a week of bad press when she has to.

    And more importantly, what's with the fawning to Rupert and his minions? They're openly hostile. When you've got the levers of power in your hands, you should fight back.
