Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World Cup Bid Stuffed Up

Not that I actually care all that much, but Frank Lowy has put heart and soul and millions of his dollars into out bid for the World Cup. Now in the last 24 hours we learn that the dreaded Karl Bitar, Federal Sports Mininster, has interposed himself over there to help with the numbers. The man who so far has ruined two and about to be three NSW Labor Premiers and one Prime Minister (not to mention the best PM that we missed out on, Kim Beazely) is now undoubtedly going to stuff up our bid to host the world's biggest event.
Meanwhile back at the ranch the factional warriors are arcing up over the two great issues of the year, gay marriage and nuclear energy. The first one no one really gives a toss about except George Pell and co. The second is just a complete non-event. They'll fight to the death and the result will be nothing. Nuclear energy is too expensive and no one wants the reactor or the power plant withing 1000 miles of their back fence. If Tony Abbot ever gets a five word slogan instead of all the three word ones it will be all over red rover for Julia.

1 comment:

  1. Kate Ellis definitely woulda been a better bet for this particularly lobbying activity. The randy old goats of FIFA like having nice attractive young things around. Scheming factional daleks, they've got enough of already.
