Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cardinal Pell Leaves the Planet.

I wonder what the founding father would have made of our local Cardinal's view of ethical behaviour. Had Christ managed to display George's talent for excusing and even justifying the behaviour of sinners, provided that they were wealthy and influential, they'd probably have made him a Senator instead of nailing him up on a cross.
Selling arms, gambling are not cardinal sins Kelly Burke SMH
November 12, 2010

THOU shalt gamble, thou shalt smoke and thou shalt sell arms, the country's most senior Catholic cleric has decreed.

Speaking at an ethics in business lunch hosted by Notre Dame University, Cardinal George Pell suggested it might be somewhat hypocritical for the Catholic Church to condemn gambling outright, given the proliferation of poker machines in NSW Catholic clubs.

''I must confess I do feel a bit uneasy about that, but only a bit uneasy,'' he admitted. ''Because culturally I'm an Irish Australian and we grew up gambling.''

Advertisement: Story continues below Gambling in itself was not intrinsically wrong, he said. Only when it became an addiction, threatening the well-being of oneself and one's family, did it become a sin.

Warming to the forum's theme ''God and Mammon: need or greed in the big end of town'', Cardinal Pell said as far as the ethics of selling tobacco went, supplying adults who were aware of the risks and still chose to smoke was nothing to rush to the confessional about. And when quizzed about the ethics of selling arms, he hypothesised that global military contractors may in fact be acting on a moral imperative.

''I think you can produce arms morally … You might say in some cases it is necessary. We are a peaceful country. If we were unarmed that would be an enticement to evil people. The best way to stay as we are is to be strong and effectively armed so I think you could make the case,'' he said.

Instead, the cardinal's wrath honed in on corporate fat cat salaries, which were morally suspect, he said. His fellow panellist, David Thodey, barely squirmed.

The curliest question Telstra's $10 million-a-year chief executive caught involved a comparison of his nice-guy reputation to that of his predecessor, Sol Trujillo, and its possible relationship to Telstra's recent all-time low of $2.58 a share.

So can nice guys succeed in business?

''It's not about being nice or not nice,'' said Mr Thodey, with a passing reference to the latest round of Telstra redundancies. ''It's about doing things in an ethical and considerate way … in the best interests of our shareholders - which of course include customers and employees.''

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