Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Who's the Leaker??

Ordinarily if it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck it's probably a duck but this is the ALP so it's probably a deceased parrot. Kevin Rudd, who at one time was Laurie Oakes' cleaner almost certainly is not the phantom pisser. For one thing he's the obvious choice and more importantly he has nothing to gain. It would be a dumb thing to do and he isn't dumb. He's as evil as any of them of course but if he takes his revenge it will be from a great distance and it will be when they least expect it.
I subscribe to the theory that it's an elaborate attempt to frame Rudd and finish him off once and for all by the brilliant minds that brought you the NSW Government. The revelations so far haven't done any real harm but they've kept Rudd's name floating around with negative messages and made it easier for Julia to put hims aside after the election. Thus freeing up one senior cabinet post for one of the deserving string-pullers.
Marb Arbib thinks he's Graeme Richardson, well mate, I knew Graeme Richardson, I worked with Graeme Richardson and I'll tell you mate, you're no Graeme Richardson. He was good at that stuff and of course he was also working on behalf of peopole who had a vision for where they wanted to take the place, not just a wish to get their arses into the big white cars.
So my guess is it's Arbib and Bitar. Possibly with Simon Crean helping out with the cabinet stuff. You can bet Laurie is not making any of this up. I wonder what will come out next. So now doubt does the PM.

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