Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Queensland election

Yes he is a short person. It's a cliche but sometimes, as they say, a good cliche really hits the nail on the head. So Queensland now has a complete dickhead for a Premier. It won't be all that unfamiliar will it? When he was mayor of Brisbane one of his more startling achievements was to take the lovely green and shady town hall square and turn it into a hot box of dazzling white paving with not a tree in sight. This is the sort of development we can presumably see for the rest of Queensland with can-do campbell. No capitals intended. The size of his majority means that until the next election he's going to think that he can do ANYTHING and he's unfortunately probably correct.
I think the size of his win also reflects an unprecedented volatility in the electorate, particularly among the old  Labor vote. They see an ALP without true believers and why would anyone vote for that. The trade union base disappearing is only a part of it and it isn't to do with the end of the cold war either. Labor was never about what we were against, it was about what we were for. Now it appears that we have neither.
Oh for a leader with convictions and opinions (of their own, not as derived from focus groups).

Friday, March 23, 2012

Bob Carr for PM

No I don't think it's going to happen. But doesn't the Fairfax press want it to! Last weekend the papers were as good as they will ever get. Full of praise for a political leader who can actually speak in complete sentences and in fact can string together several at a time. More than several in fact. I hear Bob talking to that inner city trendoid Richard Glover last week and he went on at such length and with such erudition that he put me in mind of the great Gough.
The Spectator had a good cartoon showing Bob in yankee civil war uniform taking careful aim and shoting himself through the foot. A reference to the misjudged comment about political instability in New Guinea. Bob's response to that was to say "yes, that was a mistake". Now why didn't some genius suggest that turn of phrase to Gillard or Abbott?
He's very fit, more qualified for the job than anyone in the caucus and demonstrably electable over Abbott but the haters in the caucus won't let it happen. Nothing is going to stop little Bill.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm back

Hi folks,
Or to be more accurate is anybody out there?
I'm back to blogging after a long absence due to having better things to do. I have been reabilitated after my illness and am back trying to be a school Principal again, now at Terrigal Public School. In the great game of educarion snakes and ladders I have finally landed on the BIG LADDER and in very timely fashion too.
Terrigal is a beautiful spot and everyone in the school from the smallest child to the grumpiest old bloke on the staff  (guess who) know it and feel good to be here every day. So far I've only missed about two morning coffees at the surf club and this morning I even got a second one for free.