Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why is this child smiling?

Penny has absolutely no idea who Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott are. She thinks everything is interesting and amusing. I doubt if she even knows what being bored is. But fear not, her education will at least give her a deep understanding of the latter concept.
We will not be spending election night glued to multiple television sets and internet screens. We are going down to Rathmines community hall which is the former enlisted men's mess hall from the RAAF base that was here. We're going to the Catalina Players, our local amateur theatrical group's annual performance. There's a three course dinner with wine supplied (plenty of it too) and of course the play. There's sherry beforehand too, I only drink sherry once a year. It's a good night, but I may have to get someone to text me election updates. It's not that I really care..other than hoping that the Greens do really well.
Maybe that's what Penny is smiling about, she's a Tasmanian.

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