Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hold your nose and vote for Kevin.

How hard can it be ? (As the awful Jeremy Clarkson would say.) The Labor party has been  in poll free-fall since they dumped Kevin Rudd and every twist and turn that the conspirators have tried since has just accelerated the decline.
They had a leader who was relatively popular (with the voters that is, remeber them?) He managed despite some personal eccentricities to deliver a long overdue apology to the Aboriginal people and to shepherd our economy through the GFC leaving us in the strongest possible position with an economy and living standard that is well ahead of just about everywhere else on the planet. Norway may be doing better but who wants to live there?
So Rudd had some leadership faults, was a bit of a control freak and lost the plot and listened to bad advice when the climate change summit turned out to be a waste of time. The peope who gave him the bad advice had their own agendas. He's no doubt learned from it. Maybe he'll be a better leader the second time around. Menzies and Howard most certainly were. He could hardly be worse than what we have now.
They should bring him back and bring him back now. He'll have a few scores to settle. Good. There needs to be some major blood letting. It will be like Octavian dealing with Brutus and Cassius et al. Not pretty but all good fun.
After the bloodshed and with the budget in surplus there will be an election. He might or might not win but he won't lose like Julia is going to lose. If they stick with their present game plan they will probably not see the Speakers right profile again for a very long time.