Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

After the Debacle

I have not posted anything for a while, totally depressed about the future of NSW Labor. I have just a faint hope that maybe perhaps the Libs will restore the independence of the public service (remember that, we have not had it since Barrie Unsworth was the Premier). But it is faint hope indeed. Why would they do that when Bob Carr didn't do it.
In brief the stoush going on now between Paul Keating and Frank Sartor and Eddie Obeid is quite illuminating. Sartor really hit the nail on the head (sorry to use a cliche but a good cliche really hits the nail on the head) when he asked what the Terrigals faction was all about. Keating made a similar observation. I'll tell you what it was about because I was around at the time. It was about Eddie and his friends the Whelans and the Morrises keeping a seat at the table when they did not deserve to keep one. Other people with limited talent climbed aboard because it was a machine devoted entirely to patronage. As just one tiny example take the Transport Infrastructure Corporation. Heard of it? Any idea what it does? It's a spin factory and that's about it. One of Paul Whelan's sons is in there in a senior position and has taken a few mates along for the ride. They are in jobs with salaries far in excess of what their talents would otherwise command. That's just one that I know about.
If the Liberals are smart enought to look into the procurement policies of the Dept. of Education and Training they might find some interesting stuff that would keep the scandals coming for years.
This faction got control of a weakened right in NSW and then turned the entire government into a patronage machine that believed in nothing except the gravy train.
However. We actually need the NSW ALP to be reborn. The Libs are not going to deliver and in a very short time we'll bbe looking for an alternative. The Greens? Oh please.
While there is breath left in the senior former leaders. Fellows like Wran, Unsworth, Carr, and above all Keating. They need to get out there and tell the truth to people and we need an intervention into the NSW brnch to weed out Bitar, Arbib and every single other time serving leech that have attched themselves to NSW politics.