Sailing on the lake

Sailing on the lake
At the helm of "Forty Two"

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

John Robertson

I've been trying to ignore talk of Robbo for opposition leader after the election. It's pathetic. The architect of the power privatisatiion debacle. Underminer of three Labor Premiers. In any other era a true labor rat.
Looks like the only hope of stopping it is to hold one's nose and vote for the Greens (early and often). If they could outpoll Labor the leader of the Opposition could be one of them. No pun intended.


The story below may or may not be true, but it's typical.

Last year, Kevin Rudd received and was reading a report that there were over 10,000 cattle guards in NSW & Queensland. Graziers had protested his proposed changes in grazing policies, so he ordered the Minister to fire half of the cattle guards immediately!!
Before the Minister could respond and presumably try to straighten him out, Minister for Employment Julia Gillard, intervened with a request that before any cattle guards were fired, they be given six months of retraining.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Will O'Farrell Follow the Egyptian Model?

One of the first acts of the interim government on Cairo was to give public sector workers a 15% pay rise. I wonder if Barry O'Farrell will do that when the Labor Government in NSW meets its inevitable end next month.
Probably not.

Carr hits out at Comm wing of the Greens

Bob Carr has a terrific BLOG which I have referred to here before. Apart from being very well written and covering a wide range of subjects all of which I am ionterested in he is usually RIGHT. Which means that I agree with him.
I've long been concerned about the old comms who are running the Greens in NSW. Inner city fanatics who still actually believe in the necessity of a dictatorship of the proletariat. It's amazing that in 2011 there are still people who believe in this sort of stuff. The strange situation in NSW where Labor is about to "slip back through their arsehole and disappear from sight" has led to these people having power way beyond their normal influence and they are predicatble in their misuse of it. I'll quote Bob in full, he won't momnd it isn't as if anyone reads this!

"The arch- conservative faction of the New South Wales Liberal Party must have their eyes swiveling with glee as they contemplate the opportunities opened up for them by the Green Party. The hardliners around Lee Riahhon have won the argument that the

Green Party will not direct preferences to Labor anywhere in the March State elections. This means the Coalition and their allies will control the State Upper House if they win government.
And that will have rolling consequences over the next four years. As Labor MLC Luke Foley puts it, that decisions delivers the Legislative Council to "the book burners and the elephant shooters - people who are on a crusade to overturn environmental protection, let hunters rampage through national parks, bring back duck hunting, close the safe injecting room and end ethics classes in schools.
The Green Party decisions means there will be no check on what an O'Farrell-led Coalition government - remember that includes the National Party - will be able to do. On anything. That includes privatisations and industrial relations, a prospect that will have the hyper-conservatives very excited.
It was the comm wing of the Green Party that made this decision, not the environmental wing - the Marxist types who believe the worse things are the better they are. Give a Coaltion government full rein, we will all be radicalized by the result and the world revolution will be expedited. Bugger the environment in the meantime."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Not only does shit happen but it usually happens in great big steaming heaps. The "gotcha" story is yet further proof that channel seven's Mark Riley can't be described as a "journalist" he's more of a grub but if Tony Abbot imagines that he's going to be PM one day  he's really going to have to start acting more like a Menzies and less like a yobbo. I can't imagine any of our previous leaders, including the notorious Hawke using language like that anywhere outside the absolute privacy of their office.
Bob Carr in his blog reports that a former Sydney factory owner commented that if a manager in his factory had commented after an industrial accident that "shit happens" he'd have been not long remaining in the job. That about sums it up.
But Abbot's reaction to being sprung by the moronic journalist was not inappropriate. His silence may have sprung from the sage advice that when you are at the bottom of a hole it's wise to stop digging.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Coutts-Trotter headed around the S-bend

Well I doubt if you will see this anywhere else just yet but it is not exactly the most unpredictable of events. NSW Director General of Education Michael Coutts-Trotter will be a very early casualty of the state elections.In fact he may jump before then and no doubt will find another fabulously well paid job with the Commonwealth where the Labor inner circle take care of their own.
Don't be surprised if his replacement is a former Director General from the Greiner era who will stabilise things until a new DG can be found. Word is that the tories have the idea that someone with a background in Education would be good for the job. Amazing but good.
As a child of the 50s and 60s I used to think that conservatives were dopey and change was an irresistable force. Now I look at the changes that have been made from the mid 80s on and it's hard to find any that were for the better. Bring back the old DG. In fact bring back Bob Winder, he's not 90 yet. Bring back the inspectors and the list system. I'm not kidding here folks it was a vastkly superior system for leading schools.